Concept Design: Kaan Beyhan
Copywriter: Uluç Çagri Kabatas
Art Director: Kaan Beyhan
Creative Director: Ilhami Duman
Chief Creative Officer: Ilkay Gürpınar
3D Production: MojoFX
Copywriter: Uluç Çagri Kabatas
Art Director: Kaan Beyhan
Creative Director: Ilhami Duman
Chief Creative Officer: Ilkay Gürpınar
3D Production: MojoFX
As the Sr. Art Director, my role in this project was to come up with the conceptual idea, metamorphosizing the brief points with construction materials for the goal of revealing the break-ground, sketch the concept clearly, present it to our client, and once approved, find a production agency and direct the implementation. I created the first tangible 2D sketches below to pitch the idea to our client, and above are the final results with the production team.